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Have you ever been slapped in the face by God? Have you ever read a scripture or heard a message and it literally felt like a slap in the face? God even likes to speak to me through social media feeds. Probably because He knows I spend an excessive amount of time scrolling through them. This past week, God really spoke to me with a passage I read out of Romans. Honestly, I just tried to ignore it and move on with my day. But then I opened up Instagram in an attempt to distract myself, and Judah Smith (one of my fav pastors) had just posted a short clip about the SAME EXACT THING GOD HAD SHOWN ME IN ROMANS EARLIER. Every tweet I saw, every text I received that day, every cute quote I saw on Pinterest was God gently speaking to me.

I want to be a woman who does hard and holy things for the Kingdom. I want to hustle harder. But the reality is, I will never be able to achieve that if I continue pushing to the side what God is showing me.

We must be obedient to the Lord. Our obedience to the Lord not only benefits our own lives, but it benefits everyone around us. Obedience in essence shows humility. Letting God wreck our plans, before our plans wreck us. Humbly falling at the feet of our Savior and saying, “Here’s my shame, here’s my guilt, here’s my pride, here’s my thoughts, here’s my worries- I want to lay it all down and let you refine and grow me.”

“Obedience is less painful than regret.” -Christine Caine

Often times what WE WANT and what GOD WANTS, do not line up. To be perfectly honest with you, there are times when I want what I want way more than I want what God wants. We must learn to be cautious to this feeling of “wanting” or desiring something. We should never allow our feelings to control us. Our feelings will deceive us every single time.  // 1 John 3:20 “For whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.”

So, how do we hustle harder? We recklessly follow Jesus. Obedience brings fruit, peace, and genuine joy in our lives. Do not grow weary of doing hard and holy things. The Lord knows your story, all the way to the last page. But we tend to get stuck, because we can only see the page we are on. Be bold, surrender to Him, and allow Him to write your story. Trust me, it will be 1000 times better than any story we could attempt to write on our own.


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One response to “HUSTLE HARDER

  1. Kimberly Wright

    This is so good Ruby!

    Liked by 1 person

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