Jesus Is Enough

I’ve been thinking a lot about this concept lately. I grew up being told that Jesus is enough countless times, and I believed it. But it hasn’t been until recently that I’ve been really starting to unpack it and see it in action in my life.

I was watching a video of a worship leader, Tim Timmons, on youtube with my family one evening.  I encourage you to watch his video, it’s incredibly inspiring and convicting.

He finished his song, Great Reward, and then began to talk about Jesus being enough to walk him and his family through the trials of life. Tim has been diagnosed with cancer for 12 years, and he was talking about Jesus walking his family through life when he’s gone one day. Then he said something that struck me, “What if Jesus was enough?” That question rang in my head throughout the next week. I asked myself this question daily, what if Jesus was enough to fill my soul?

As I looked at life with this outlook, I started to realize that He is enough.

He’s enough to calm my heart and cast out all the worries piling up in my mind after a rough day.
He’s enough when a boy breaks my heart and leaves me feeling confused.
He’s enough when friendships crumble.
He’s enough when patience fails.
He’s our hope when hope is gone.
He’s enough to help us choose joy on the days when it’s hardest to do so.

When other people around us let us down, He never will. He is constant, never changing. This is encouraging to me when I feel like my world is spinning around me and shaking me up.

That hole, that void we try to fill with worldly things will never be satisfied unless we fill it with Jesus. We tend to turn to Jesus on our not so great days, but He’s also enough on the good days – the days where patience and joy prevail. His unfailing love is enough. He has always been enough and will continue to be. We just need to remind ourselves that He is. I let that question echo in my mind; I wrote it on my mirror, and it began to revolutionize my outlook on life.

We can come crawling to Him in tears, and He will refresh our hearts and give us hope. His name holds power. The only name that will ever be enough for us.

I’m still learning more and more about this daily

Ask yourself this week, “What if Jesus was enough?” He’ll begin to reveal moments of indescribable peace if you allow Him to take control and be ALL you need.


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2 responses to “Jesus Is Enough

  1. Gracie

    So, totally random comment😂…i think that you would really like the alblum “The Art of Celebration” by Rend Collective ! It is super amazing and uplifting & i though that you would like it


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